The art of moderation

Reading Schön and his reflective practititioner I realise that our practice – realizing learning processes in online spaces – is artistry.

Online groups according to Gilly Salmon

In this post I will write about the art of  dealing with online groups. In 2000 and 2002 Gilly Salmon published her books about E-moderating and E-tivities and helped us a lot in the improvement of our first online-courses. We learned to moderate online groups as conveners and until today we have practiced our moderating activities in many online courses.

Social artists according to Etienne Wenger

Wenger made me think about my identity as convener/moderator. In his essays about social learning capabilities he writes that the person caring about the learners in online spaces is a social artist. In my blog post Are we social artists? I discussed this approach.

Workshop E-moderating

To train online teachers and trainers in their job we normally offer online courses based on the original online course of Gilly Salmon which we can use and developed further to meet the needs of our colleagues. Sometimes we also offer workshops. As I recently updated the materials for a workshop about online moderation I added the page about Moderierte Lernräume which contains the workshop materials. At the moment the material is in German,  the English materials will be added during summer.

Gilly Salmon at our E-learning Day on September 13 in Graz

Gilly Salmon will be the keynote speaker at our E-Learning Day of this year. In her keynote she will speak about The Innovation landscape for higher education, in her workshop she will help us to improve our online tasks.


Schön, Donald, A. (1983). The reflective practitioner: How professionals think in action. Basic Books.

Salmon, Gilly (2013). E-tivities: The key to active online learning (2nd ed.). London and New York: Routledge.

Salmon, Gilly (2011). E-moderating: The key to teaching and learning online (3rd ed.). New York: Routledge.

Wenger, Etienne (2009) Social learning capability: four essays on innovation and learning in social systems. Social Innovation, Sociedade e Trabalho. Booklets 12 – separate supplement, MTSS/GEP & EQUAL Portugal, Lisbon.


Thanks to Muralharbor that I can use my pictures of the Graffiti in the harbour of Linz.

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