E-Learning Trends and Strategy of Implementation

In a few minutes Jutta Pauschenwein will speak about how the unit ZML-Innovative Learning Scenarios deals with future aspects of Online Learning and Teaching and about the challenge to implement innovation at university. The ZML looks at new e-learning trends from a pedagogical point of view, the technical solutions should support processes of learning and teaching.

These are the main areas of trends the ZML focussed upon during the last years:

Moderation of learning processes

Gilly Salmon’s 5 stage model of online learning groups and her e-tivities to support the group building and learning process is the base for our e-learning concepts. We developed it further and successfully moderated large online courses as well. By the way: Gilly Salmon is also our keynote speaker at the 17. E-Learning Day in September.

MOOCs – massive open online courses

MOOCs are a major trend in e-learning and we are dealing with them already for some years. During the last weeks English teachers from our university offered a mini-MOOC to their students which is work a look.


A picture or graph can give new insights and therefore we use social network analysis to better understand our learning groups, comics to structure and reflect learning processes, footprints of emergence to reflect the open and/or closed learning rooms.

Innovative methods and online spaces

We think about how to improve learning via game-based learning scenarios, online portfolios, videos … and we use different software for our online learning spaces as Moodle, Slack, WordPress, ZOOM, …

To bring innovation into university we:

Provide training

The training is mostly open to everybody inteerested to support the exchange between our teachers and people from other univerisities, other background as well. Take a look at our workshops and online courses.

Organize conferences

The E-Learning Day is a main conference in the German speaking countries, the keynote, presentations and workshops are partly in English as well. The main parts of the conference are documented via videos.

Support colleagues

In the Virtual Campus we aim to bring what we learn from research and training into the study programs of FH JOANNEUM. During the last years we developed different scenarios of online learning and teaching for study programs which large online parts. We are e-moderators in our Teacher Training (HDW).

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